
Assembly Service

Assembly Required: Home Furniture and Decor

"If you build it, they will come." 

Sure, that idea worked for Kevin Costner in the movie Field of Dreams, but he wasn't trying to decipher the manufacturer's instructions or make sense of a diagram that looks like something the neighbor's kid drew with sidewalk chalk. He probably didn't have to build a whole baseball field with nothing but an Allen wrench, either. DIY might sound like a good idea but trying to put a bookshelf together by yourself after a long day doesn't always end well. Working with a friend or partner might not prove all that helpful either – have you heard about the therapist who uses IKEA furniture assembly as part of couples counseling?


Choose Your Home Furnishings Carefully

Our homes say a lot about us, so the items we use to fill them should be selected and maintained with care. Choosing the perfect piece for your home takes time and effort. It's easy to get overwhelmed when you're redecorating your space or moving into a new house. Traditional furniture can be heavy, bulky, and expensive. Ready-to-assemble furnishings provide an affordable, convenient, and customizable alternative, but poorly assembled furniture will cost you more in the long-run. If you're not sure where to start, check out this helpful guide from Real Simple.

You might envision yourself sitting behind a sleek desk while accomplishing great things – only to find out that the desk is too low for your favorite chair, and the keyboard tray gets jammed when you're trying to get up in a hurry. You may have gotten a great deal on a dining room table, but it didn't include chairs, so now you've got a haphazard set of mismatched seats. These minor inconveniences can be easily avoided or corrected by turning to a trusted professional for a little assistance. 


Assembling Your Ideal Space

Finding the right piece of furniture is only part of the process. You'll still need to put it together and make sure everything is in working order. A fancy new filing cabinet won't be any good to you if the drawers don't stay in place, and few things are as frustrating as an uneven shelf.

Furniture assembly is not an impossible challenge, but there are a lot of ways things can go wrong. A few of the obstacles you may encounter include missing or broken pieces, overly simplified instructions, or way too complex, or simply lacking the proper tools. Hiring an experienced handyman with the right tools to get the job done can mean the difference between a piece that looks great and holds up against regular wear and tear or a worthless, wobbly pile of junk.


Have you tried DIY and ended up with disappointing results? You don't have to 'just deal with it' when assembly projects go wrong. A skilled handyman will have a solution for any problem, big or small. Whether you need to build a bunk bed, assemble a baby crib, or stop your table from wobbling, you can count on the help of Hoosier Heroes to take the stress and mess out of home assembly projects. We are Indianapolis’ #1 rated assembly service.

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