Safety And Mobility

Safety & Mobility

We all have places to go and people to see. Whether you are a spry athlete or a disabled veteran, mobility services are invaluable for navigating our busy—and often chaotic—world. More than 800,000 patients are hospitalized with fall injuries every year, usually caused by home hazards and improper precautions. According to a study published in the American Journal of Emergency Medicine, over one million Americans suffer stair injuries yearly. The evidence is in, and we have to agree—implementing preventative measures whenever possible is a non-negotiable necessity. Fortunately, at Hoosier Heroes, we know all about constructing handrails, ramps, and more to make your property mobility-friendly for all.


Accommodating Safety Regulations

Adhering to building codes is critical no matter where you live. Like all states, Indiana has construction guidelines for public and private places that must be met. For example, decks that act as an exit route must meet criteria that allow for safe evacuation in an emergency. Decks that are 30 inches or higher above the ground require guardrails, as do the stairs leading up to them. You may also want to keep the Americans with Disabilities Act in mind. Wheelchairs only need 32 inches of space to travel, but 36 inches is recommended. Moreover, 60 inches is required to make a 180-degree turn. Though chair lifts and home elevators are undoubtedly convenient, they can also cost thousands of dollars. Alternatively, putting in a threshold ramp is an easy, cost-effective solution that can be configured with different materials and sizes to meet your needs.


Aging In Place

Considering how expensive assisted living facilities can be, it is no surprise that almost 90 percent of seniors over 65 would rather live at home. If you or a loved one is reaching retirement age, it may be a good time to start thinking about making your home senior-friendly. More than 25 percent of older people fall each year, with 3 million landing in the emergency room. Ideally, seniors can live in a single-story home with easy indoor and outdoor access. However, there are many ways to improve the home you already know and love.

For one, you can add non-slip flooring in entryways and inside the home to make it easier for people to keep their footing. If your house has stairs, installing rails that are one-and-a-half inches in diameter is mandatory. Increasing lighting and adding colorful contrast strips in danger zones goes a long way in increasing visibility and safety. Other useful implementations include diagonal bars throughout the bathroom and a fold-down bench in the shower or bathtub transfer seat. You may also want to consider widening doorways and adjusting the height of countertops and sinks.


Reliable And Handy Help

Hoosier Heroes is here to help with any project, from installing handrails, guardrails, ramps, and safety bars to creating additional accommodations for the disabled and elderly. If you are worried about the cost of implementing aging in place measures, you can check in with Indiana’s Area Agencies on Aging for potential financial assistance. Contact us today to gain full access to all the places you love and learn more about our mobility services.

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